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These are some of the more frequently asked questions from people who are worried about someone they know:


If someone suspects that a friend or family member may be thinking about suicide, what should they do?


Show the person you are concerned about them: listen without judgement, ask about their feelings, and avoid trying to come up with a solution to their problem.


Ask directly about suicide: be direct without being confrontational. Ask, "are you thinking about suicide?"


Go get help: call a crisis line, visit the school counselor, tell a family member, or refer them to someone with professional skills to provide help.

Does asking someone about suicide make them more likely to think about suicide?


No, research shows that asking someone you care about if they are thinking about suicide does not make them more likely to think or act on thoughts of suicide.

Are there different suicide rates for males and females?


Males are more likely to die by suicide, while girls are more likely to make suicide attempts.

Are there particular youth who are more at-risk of suicide?


Gay and lesbian youth are two to three times more likely to die by suicide than other youth. Youth with alcohol and substance abuse also places them at a higher risk for suicide.

Why are LGBTQ youth more at risk for suicide and suicide attempts?


LGBTQ youth may be at an increased risk because of an increased occurrence of risk factors in their lives as compared to their straight peers, and additional factors such as: gender nonconformity, coming out early or not coming out to anyone, homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism, and inaccessibility to LGBTQ friendly service providers.

Is there an increased risk for suicide because of bullying behavior?


Yes, being a victim, perpetrator, or even a witness to bullying has been associated with multiple behavioral, emotional, and social problems, including an increased risk for suicidal ideation.

© 2021 Mental Health America of Hawaii. All rights reserved.

Paid for in part by the Chamber of Commerce Hawai`i's Public Health Fund.
1136 Union Mall, Suite 208Honolulu, Hawaii 96813


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